Contact Medium min v2
Postcode 3095
Population 6,830
Suburb Profiles

What’s to love in Eltham North

Who lives in Eltham North

Median age
40-59 years
Median sale price
Avg. days on market
36 days

Family vs Single

Families Singles

Owner vs Renter

Owners Renters

Market Performance

Median sale price
Properties sold
Auction clearance
Avg days on market

Median sale price in Eltham North

Median sale price for houses in Eltham North is $1,242,000, up 3.9% from last year.

Properties sold in Eltham North

Properties sold for houses in Eltham North is 94, up 14.6% from last year.

Properties sold for units in Eltham North is 4, up 33.3% from last year.

Auction clearance in Eltham North

Auction clearance for houses in Eltham North is 57.6%, up 27.9% from last year.

Auction clearance for units in Eltham North is 100.0%

Avg days on market in Eltham North

Avg days on market for houses in Eltham North is 36, down 21.7% from last year.

Sales data supplied by Domain

Median Price Numbers

House Price



$720 p/week



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